Advanced Usage ============== This is for advanced usage, make sure to master the :doc:`basic_usage` guide first. Configuration ------------- Sometimes, we need some customized configuration other than default configuration. So for easier upgrade and customized configuration, we use a json file named `vagrant_config_override.json` to override the default configuration on `vagrant_config.json` file. By using this, we can easily upgrade teracy-dev with ease, no conflicts introduced. For example, to use more memory for the VM, looking into the `vagrant_config.json` file we could find: .. code-block:: javascript "vb":{ //virtualbox settings from //"gui":true, //"name":"teracy-dev", "memory":2048, //"cpus":1, "description":"teracy-dev #{}" } Now create the `vagrant_config_override.json` file with the following content: .. code-block:: json { "vb":{ "memory":3072 } } After that, ``$ vagrant reload``, then this overridden configuration will update the VM with *3072* MB memory instead of default *2048* MB memory. This applied the same for other configuration that you want to override. Under the hood, we merge the `vagrant_config_override.json` with `vagrant_config.json` to create the configuration settings. The configuration settings are then applied to the `Vagrantfile` file. Upgrading --------- To upgrade teracy-dev, just pull the latest changes from the git repo and you're set: .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/teracy-dev $ git fetch origin && git reset --hard origin/master ``$ vagrant reload --provision`` is used for improvements and bug fixes change upgrading. ``$ vagrant destroy && vagrant up`` is used for next major version change upgrading.