teracy-dev Development¶
We use Docker (or better teracy-dev
) to develop teracy-dev
We use teracy/dev:dev_develop Docker image with all development runtime to execute Rake tasks.
Project Setup¶
Fork and clone teracy-dev
from https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/
For example, this is my forked repo: https://github.com/hoatle/teracy-dev/
$ mkdir -p ~/teracy-dev/workspace
$ cd ~/teracy-dev/workspace
$ git clone git@github.com:hoatle/teracy-dev.git teracy-dev
$ cd teracy-dev
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ docker-compose pull
Notice that you use teracy-dev
directory for the project name.
CI Setup¶
After forking the project, you should set up the CI system on travis-ci.org:
- register an account at travis-ci.org
- register an account at hub.docker.com
- enable teracy-dev repository on travis-ci.org
- add travis-ci settings with these variables:
: Fill with your Docker username accountDOCKER_PASSWORD
: Fill with your Docker password accountDEV_DOCKER_IMAGE
: Fill with <your_docker_username>/teracy-devDOCS_DOCKER_IMAGE
: Fill with <your_docker_username>/teracy-dev-docsGH_REPO
: Fill with <your_github_username>/teracy-dev> to git push on your repoGH_TOKEN
: Fill with <your_github_personal_access_token> to git push on your repo
Rake Tasks¶
$ rake
or$ rake list
to list all Rake tasks.
$ docker-compose run --rm dev rake list
- berks_install
- berks_upload
- build
- check
- chefspec
- default
- foodcritic
- knife_test
- list
- new_cookbook
$ rake build
to check code style and run tests.
$ docker-compose run --rm dev rake build
bundle exec knife cookbook test -a -c test/knife.rb
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Please use ChefSpec or Rubocop to syntax-check cookbooks.
Running syntax check on teracy-dev
Validating ruby files
Validating templates
bundle exec foodcritic -I test/foodcritic/* -f any main-cookbooks
bundle exec rspec main-cookbooks
No examples found.
Finished in 0.00089 seconds (files took 0.10198 seconds to load)
0 examples, 0 failures
$ rake berks_install
to install vendor cookbooks with Berkshelf.
$ docker-compose run --rm dev rake berks_install
bundle exec berks vendor vendor-cookbooks
Resolving cookbook dependencies...
Fetching cookbook index from https://supermarket.chef.io...
Installing compat_resource (12.16.2)
Installing docker (2.11.0)
Installing docker_compose (0.1.1)
Installing magic_shell (1.0.0)
Installing vim (2.0.2)
Vendoring compat_resource (12.16.2) to vendor-cookbooks/compat_resource
Vendoring docker (2.11.0) to vendor-cookbooks/docker
Vendoring docker_compose (0.1.1) to vendor-cookbooks/docker_compose
Vendoring magic_shell (1.0.0) to vendor-cookbooks/magic_shell
Vendoring vim (2.0.2) to vendor-cookbooks/vim
Build teracy/dev Docker image¶
When we update the development runtime (for example, change Gemfile or Dockerfile-dev), we need to build the image with:
$ docker-compose build
Base Boxes¶
We’re going to use Bento to build base boxes.
Virtualbox Installation:
You could install any versions of Virtualbox that matched the host machine.
$ cd /tmp $ wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.3.20/virtualbox-4.3_4.3.20-96996~Ubuntu~precise_amd64.deb $ sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-4.3_4.3.20-96996~Ubuntu~precise_amd64.deb $ sudo apt-get install -f -y
After that,
$ VBoxManage --version
should print out something like:$ VBoxManage --version 4.3.20r96996
Packer Installation
$ ws $ mkdir packer $ cd packer $ wget https://dl.bintray.com/mitchellh/packer/packer_0.7.5_linux_amd64.zip $ sudo apt-get install unzip -f -y $ unzip packer_0.7.5_linux_amd64.zip $ echo 'export PATH=~/workspace/packer:$PATH' | sudo tee --append ~/.bash_profile $ source ~/.bash_profile
After that,
$ packer version
should print out something like:$ packer version Packer v0.7.5
Bento Repository Clone
$ ws $ git clone git@github.com:chef/bento.git $ cd bento
Base Boxes Build
This is for developers only. Users should just use provided base boxes instead of building base boxes from scratch.
Building from “headless” mode is not recommended, it should be used only for ci-system.
We’re going to build ubuntu-12.04-amd64.json base box as an example.
We’re working on a headless VM so you need to add
option to the json file by openning any .json files and append"headless":true,
before"boot_wait: "10s",
line.and then:
$ ws $ cd bento/packer $ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso ubuntu-12.04-amd64.json
After that Packer will download the Ubuntu iso files and install, package a vagrant base box for us to use.
We should store and share iso files somewhere to save time from downloading iso files then put it under ~/workspace/bento/isos/.
For example, you put ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64.iso file under ~/workspace/bento/isos/ubuntu/12.04 and you can use the mirror like:
$ packer build -var="mirror=/home/vagrant/workspace/bento/isos/ubuntu" -only=virtualbox-iso ubuntu-12.04-amd64.json
It will take a while for the base box to be completed. The base boxe should be available under ~/workspace/bento/definitions path.