Databases Guide

Databases are very important and crucial part of any systems, they provide an efficient way to store, retrieve and analyze data.

The teracy-dev VM provides some of the most popular databases such as: MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB. This guide will help us to enable and use these databases.


MySQL is installed by default on the teracy-dev VM with root as username and teracy as password by default.

  1. Local access

    $ vagrant ssh
    $ mysql -u root -pteracy

    And you should see the following output:

    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 5
    Server version: 5.5.41-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu)
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

    Type $ exit to exit the MySQL shell above.

  2. Remote access

    For easier development, MySQL on the teracy-dev has binding address of, this means that you could remote access it.

    The teracy-dev VM by default forwards the port 3306 of MySQL to 6603 of the host machine. So you’re going to remote access with the following credentials information by default:

    • host: the guest machine’s IP address or to access from the guest machine
    • port: 6603
    • username: root
    • password: teracy

    We need a MySQL client, such as MySQL Command-Line Tool, MySQL Workbench, etc.

    • With MySQL Command-Line Tool to remote access from the guest machine:

      $ mysql -u root -pteracy -h -P 6603
    • With MySQL Workbench to remote access from the guest machine:

  3. phpMyAdmin

    Open http://localhost:9997 and type root as username, teracy as password and you’re done.


From now on you can start digging MySQL database at:


PostgreSQL is disabled by default on the teracy-dev VM:

  1. Enable

    To enable, you need to override the default configuration by appending postgresql attribute within teracy-dev attribute to the vagrant_config_override.json file like the configuration below:


    Save the file and then $ vagrant provision, after that PostgreSQL should be installed.

    By default, we use postgres as username and teracy as password to access the enabled PostgreSQL database instance.

  2. Verify

    Within vagrant ssh session, by:

    $ vagrant ssh
    $ psql -U postgres -h localhost

    Type teracy when being prompted for the password: Password for user postgres:

    And you should see the following output:

    psql (9.1.14)
    SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
    Type "help" for help.

    To exit the PostgreSQL shell:

    postgres=# \q
  3. Initialize the super user vagrant role and default vagrant database

    This step is required for the first time when the PostgreSQL database is enabled and installed.

    $ sudo su postgres
    $ createuser vagrant

    Type y and hit enter when asked “Shall the new role be a superuser?”

    Now you can exit the su subshell to go back to the vagrant user SSH session:

    $ exit

    Now create vagrant database:

    $ createdb vagrant
  4. Local access

    When vagrant super user and vagrant database is created, you just need to type:

    $ psql

    And you should see the the following output:

    psql (9.1.14)
    Type "help" for help.

    Type \q to quit the PostgreSQL shell.

  5. Remote access


    We need to support this by

From now on you can start digging PostgreSQL database at:


MongoDB is disabled by default on the teracy-dev VM:

  1. Enable

    To enable, you need to override the default configuration by appending mongodb attribute within teracy-dev attribute to the vagrant_config_override.json file like the configuration below:


    Save the file and then $ vagrant provision, after that MongoDB should be installed.

  2. Verify

    Within vagrant ssh session, by:

    $ vagrant ssh
    $ mongo

    And you should the the following output:

    MongoDB shell version: 2.6.9
    connecting to: test

    Type exit to quit the MongoDB shell.

  3. Local access

    Just type mongo and you’re done.

  4. Remote access

    By default, the default port 27017 is forwarded to the guest machine, to remote access it, you only need to specify the host ip address when required:

    • host: the guest machine’s IP address or or localhost or none to access from the guest machine

    For example, from a guest machine:

    $ mongo


    $ mongo localhost

    We could replace localhost with

    or from a different machine to the machine running the teracy-dev VM with ip:

    $ mongo

From now on you can start digging MongoDB database at: