Built-in IDE (codebox)

Sometimes we want to work remote on the vagrant machine from a different machine or to use a text editor on browsers, such the built-in editor is very helpful.

That’s why we support a built-in editor for vagrant box, however, it’s disabled by default. We’ll need to enable it to use.

The built-in editor we support is Codebox - it’s more than an editor, it’s an IDE.


Default Configuration

This is the default configuration of the IDE:

  "codebox": {

How to Enable

To enable the built-in IDE, add the following configuration to vagrant_config_override.json file as follows:

  "chef_json": {
    "teracy-dev": {
      "codebox": {

After that, $ vagrant provision and we’re done.

How to Use

Open http://localhost:30000 and check out: http://help.codebox.io/

How to Customize

port:3000 and sync_dir:"/home/vagrant/workspace" are configured by default.

We could customize them by changing its configuration, like:

  "chef_json": {
    "teracy-dev": {
      "codebox": {

After that, $ vagrant provision and we’re done.


Make sure that the new port has the corresponding forwared port to the host machine.