Toolchain ========= These are the sets of tools that are used by Teraciers to create products. All Teraciers must master these tools. Git --- Vim --- Sublime Text ------------ At Teracy, you are recommended to use the Sublime Text editor for writing codes, markup and documents. You can download and install it at Installing useful plugins `````````````````````````` After having installed Sublime Text, you should install some plugins below: - **Package Control**: Go to --> Click **Install Now**. .. note:: You need to have Package Control installed and restart the Sublime Text before installing the following plugins. - `SublimeCodeIntel `_: supports all the languages Komodo Editor supports for Code Intelligence. - `Web Inspector `_: works on the top of WebInspectorProtocol. All information is displayed in console and text files. - `BDD Tools `_: highlights syntax of .feature files. You should install some packages, including: **Behat**, **Cucumber**, and **Gherkin/Cucumber Format**. - `Local History `_: maintains the local history of a file. - `Trailing Spaces `_: Allows highlighting trailing spaces and delete them in a flash. For example, to install the **SublimeCondeIntel**, do as follows: 1. Open the Sublime Text editor. 2. Press **Command + Shift + P** (on OS X) / **Ctrl + Shift + P** (on Windows/Linux); Or click **Tool --> Command Pallette...** --> Type **Install** into the Command Pallette --> select **Install Packages** from the list --> hit Enter and wait while the Package Control fetches the latest package list --> Type **SublimeCodeIntel**. Overring default settings `````````````````````````` You must always enable white space characters and set ruler to 100 characters by overriding the default settings. 1. Open the Sublime Text editor. 2. Click **Preferences** --> **Settings - Users** --> Copy and paste the content below into the settings: :: { "color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Solarized (Light).tmTheme", "draw_white_space": "all", "font_size": 9, "rulers": [ 100 ], "tab_size": 4, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, "trailing_spaces_trim_on_save": true } Jira Client ----------- This section shows you how to use Jira Client to manage your Teracy issues. Downloading and Installation ```````````````````````````` Download Jira Client installer for Mac, Linux, Win at and install on your local device. Creating connection ```````````````````` 1. Open Jira Client and select **Connection** --> **New Jira Connection** to open the **New Jira Connection** form. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/new-jira-connection.png :align: center 2. Input the Jira URL of Teracy ```` into the **URL** field. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/new-jira-connection-form.png :align: center 3. Input your username and password used to log in Jira. 4. Click **Next** to verify your login and select projects you work with. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/select-projects.png :align: center 5. Click **Next** to name your connection and click **Finish** to complete creating your Jira connection. Creating queries ```````````````` You need to create some queries to manage your issues easily. At Teracy, you are recommended to create queries with the hiearachy as the example follows: .. image:: _static/Toolchain/structure-of-queries.png :align: center **1. Creating new query by Sprint** Right-click your connection name --> Select **New Query** --> Select **Sprint** in the **Field** column and select your desired sprint in the **Sprint** column --> click **OK**. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/query-by-sprint.png :align: center .. note:: For each sprint, you should create a query for it. **2. Creating new query by status** You need to create three queries by status for each sprint: **Open/Reopened**, **In-progress** and **Resolved**. - **Open, Re-opened** Right-click a query by sprint --> Select **New Query** --> Select **Status** in the **Field** column --> Select **Open** and **Re-open** --> Click **OK**. - **In-progess**: Do the same as **Open, Re-opened**. - **Resolved**: Do the same as **Open, Re-opened**. **3. Creating new query by assignee** For each status, you will create a query by assignee as follows: - Right-click a status --> **New Query** --> Select **Assignee** in the **Field** column --> Select a assignee in the **Assignee** column --> Click **OK**. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/query-by-assignee.png :align: center Editing and Removing queries ```````````````````````````` You can easily edit or delete a query by right-clicking the query and select **Edit Query** or **Remove** in the context menu respectively. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/edit-remove-query.png :align: center Reloading query from server ``````````````````````````` Sometimes, you need to reload all issues for a query by right-clicking the query and selecting **Reload Query from Server** from the context menu. Tracking time `````````````` At Teracy, you are recommended to use the Jira Client to track off your working time for each issue every day. Jira Client measures the exact time you've spent on the issue. - **Starting tracking time** Select your issue you are working on and click the **Start** button to begin tracking time. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/start-button.png :align: center - **Stopping tracking time** When you pause to work or finish your issue, you can stop tracking time by clicking the **Stop** button. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/stop-button.png :align: center - **Switching to another issue** When switching to another issue and you want to record time spent on the issue, open issue and click the **Record** button. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/starting-tracking-time.png :align: center - **Adjusting time and duration** You can also adjust time and duration by clicking the time recorded on the Time Tracker. .. image:: _static/Toolchain/edit-time.png :align: center Later, you can review the time sheet, make corrections and publish tracked time to JIRA as work logs. .. note:: You can see further usage of Jira Client at