Release Process =============== This is the general guide for releasing software packages at Teracy. Starting -------- - Follow workflow, a release branch should be branched off from origin branch that is ready to be released (for example: ``releases/0.1.0`` branch is branched off from the ``develop`` branch). - Set the next iteration version for the ``develop`` branch. This will make sure there is no snapshot version conflict between the ``releases`` branch and the ``develop`` branch. Moreover, the ``develop`` branch will not be blocked. - Create an issue for DevOps team to create ci job if required. - Create an issue for Blog team to preparing release announcement post. Releasing --------- - Follow specific release process doccuments on each project, this should be done on your forked repository, then make pull requests when the release is ready. - Remember that release branch should not introduce big changes. - After each staging releases, create an issue for release test campaign to make sure the release is stable enough and have a good quality. Ending ------ - Make sure that the tag step must be ready at least **3 days** before the expected release date. Use **UTC** as standard reference time. - Tag the release: ``$ git tag -a v`` with the ``v Release`` message. For example, ``$ git tag -a v0.1.0`` with the ``v0.1.0 Release`` message. This message pattern could be later used for auto deployment, so make sure the message has the correct pattern. - Merge the tag release into the ``master`` branch, then the origin branch. This is specified on the workflow. - Delete released branch and we are done. .. note:: Automation is one of our development philosophy, and we are working on it so that releasing should be automated and really easy to do. See the releated issue: