Databases Guide =============== Databases are very important and crucial part of any systems, they provide an efficient way to store, retrieve and analyze data. The teracy-dev VM provides some of the most popular databases such as: ``MySQL``, ``PostgreSQL`` and ``MongoDB``. This guide will help us to enable and use these databases. MySQL ----- ``MySQL`` is installed by default on the teracy-dev VM with **root** as username and **teracy** as password by default. #. Local access .. code-block:: bash $ vagrant ssh $ mysql -u root -pteracy And you should see the following output: .. code-block:: bash Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 5 Server version: 5.5.41-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu) Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> Type ``$ exit`` to exit the ``MySQL`` shell above. #. Remote access For easier development, ``MySQL`` on the teracy-dev has binding address of ````, this means that you could remote access it. The teracy-dev VM by default forwards the port `3306` of ``MySQL`` to `6603` of the host machine. So you're going to remote access with the following credentials information by default: - host: the guest machine's IP address or ```` to access from the guest machine - port: ``6603`` - username: ``root`` - password: ``teracy`` We need a ``MySQL`` client, such as `MySQL Command-Line Tool`_, `MySQL Workbench`_, etc. - With *MySQL Command-Line Tool* to remote access from the guest machine: .. code-block:: bash $ mysql -u root -pteracy -h -P 6603 - With *MySQL Workbench* to remote access from the guest machine: .. image:: _static/databases-guide/mysql_workbench.png :align: center #. phpMyAdmin Open http://localhost:9997 and type *root* as username, *teracy* as password and you're done. .. image:: _static/databases-guide/phpMyAdmin.png :align: center From now on you can start digging ``MySQL`` database at: PostgreSQL ---------- ``PostgreSQL`` is disabled by default on the teracy-dev VM: .. code-block:: json { "postgresql":{ "enabled":false, "password":{ "postgres":"teracy" }, "version":"9.3" } } #. Enable To enable, you need to override the default configuration by appending *postgresql* attribute within *teracy-dev* attribute to the *vagrant_config_override.json* file like the configuration below: .. code-block:: json { "chef_json":{ "teracy-dev":{ "postgresql":{ "enabled":true } } } } Save the file and then ``$ vagrant provision``, after that ``PostgreSQL`` should be installed. By default, we use `postgres` as username and `teracy` as password to access the enabled ``PostgreSQL`` database instance. #. Verify Within vagrant ssh session, by: .. code-block:: bash $ vagrant ssh $ psql -U postgres -h localhost Type *teracy* when being prompted for the password: ``Password for user postgres:`` And you should see the following output: .. code-block:: bash psql (9.1.14) SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256) Type "help" for help. postgres=# To exit the ``PostgreSQL`` shell: .. code-block:: bash postgres=# \q #. Initialize the super user *vagrant* role and default *vagrant* database This step is required for the first time when the ``PostgreSQL`` database is enabled and installed. .. code-block:: bash $ sudo su postgres $ createuser vagrant Type ``y`` and hit enter when asked “Shall the new role be a superuser?” Now you can exit the *su* subshell to go back to the vagrant user SSH session: .. code-block:: bash $ exit Now create *vagrant* database: .. code-block:: bash $ createdb vagrant #. Local access When *vagrant* super user and *vagrant* database is created, you just need to type: .. code-block:: bash $ psql And you should see the the following output: .. code-block:: bash psql (9.1.14) Type "help" for help. vagrant=# Type ``\q`` to quit the ``PostgreSQL`` shell. #. Remote access .. todo:: We need to support this by From now on you can start digging ``PostgreSQL`` database at: .. _databases-guide-mongodb: MongoDB ------- ``MongoDB`` is disabled by default on the teracy-dev VM: .. code-block:: json { "mongodb":{ "enabled":false, "version":"2.6.3" } } #. Enable To enable, you need to override the default configuration by appending *mongodb* attribute within *teracy-dev* attribute to the *vagrant_config_override.json* file like the configuration below: .. code-block:: json { "chef_json":{ "teracy-dev":{ "mongodb":{ "enabled":true } } } } Save the file and then ``$ vagrant provision``, after that ``MongoDB`` should be installed. #. Verify Within vagrant ssh session, by: .. code-block:: bash $ vagrant ssh $ mongo And you should the the following output: .. code-block:: bash MongoDB shell version: 2.6.9 connecting to: test > Type ``exit`` to quit the ``MongoDB`` shell. #. Local access Just type ``mongo`` and you're done. #. Remote access By default, the default port *27017* is forwarded to the guest machine, to remote access it, you only need to specify the host ip address when required: - host: the guest machine's IP address or ** or *localhost* or none to access from the guest machine For example, from a guest machine: .. code-block:: bash $ mongo or: .. code-block:: bash $ mongo localhost We could replace *localhost* with **. or from a different machine to the machine running the teracy-dev VM with ip: ** .. code-block:: bash $ mongo .. notice:: For easier development, by default the ``MongoDB`` instance does not require username and password. From now on you can start digging ``MongoDB`` database at: References ---------- - - - - .. _`MySQL Command-Line Tool`: .. _`MySQL Workbench`: